Disrupting the Status Quo: Creating a New Technology Category/

Mercom’s Experience and Capabilities Propel Highview Power to the World Stage


Highview Power developed a revolutionary long-duration energy storage (LDES) technology using liquid air.

Client Challenge

As Highview Power grew and prepared to launch its technology globally, the company needed to be viewed as a leader in the long-duration energy storage category so that it could secure new projects and additional funding.


“Other communications firms wanted to work with us to get needed energy experience but we needed a firm with deep energy experience and chose Mercom.”

Mercom Solution

Mercom developed a comprehensive strategic plan that validated the technology, educated audiences about the urgency of addressing climate change, and the important role of Highview Power technology in the energy transition.
The campaign generated visibility for the company’s brand across the industry, increased the engagement and number of social media followers, and established executives as subject matter experts in the clean energy vertical.


With Mercom’s help, Highview Power and its executives have dominated long-duration energy storage news cycles and gained the attention of strategic partners and investors through thought leadership positioning. Mercom firmly established the brand within the energy industry and achieved 66% share of voice (SOV) by securing over 1,000 pieces of earned media coverage in Tier 1 outlets including:


  • High-profile features and articles in the BBC, WSJ, Financial Times, Telegraph, Times, and Guardian
  • Coverage in the Emmy-nominated program, “Engineering the Future” on HBO and Amazon
  • Coveted speaking roles for the CEO at numerous events including Bloomberg New Energy Finance, and the United Nations’ COP25 and COP26
  • Prestigious awards such as the sought-after Fast Company, Sunday Times, and Ashden


Share of Voice


Earned Media Coverage


United Nations